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On Student Vote
Wayne Schlosser
Kudos to those teachers who organize forums in their schools for school trustee, councillors and mayoral candidates. It’s a Canadian privilege, right and duty to vote.
On Orange Shirt Day
Stephanie Shomody-Bertrand
I ordered mine last month & I’m so excited to wear it!! I teach at a band-run school in Northern AB.

On the Twittersphere
EdmCatholicTeachers @ECTlocal54
Congratulations to our very own Sarah Novosel, who won the Doctoral Fellowship in Education award from @albertateachers.
From Agile Schools Learning Sprint workshops (#ATAagile)
Dr Simon Breakspear @SimonBreakspear
Thrilled with the launch of the new cohort of @albertateachers district and school teams in Edmonton today @Agile_Schools #ATAagile.
Shari Jensen @sharijensen11
Excited to be at the @agile_schools @albertateachers session today!!
Kathleen Macridis @kmacridis
When you focus on student outcomes, the teacher practice follows naturally ... it takes the guess work (stab in the dark) out of it.
Laura Côté @LauCo77
From now on I’m not going to say I’m a teacher. I’m going to say I’m a learning causer.
Lloyd MacKenzie @LGMackenzie
“It’s about doing something every week, every month, to get a little bit better at our craft.” @SimonBreakspear
Terri Lynn Guimond @TLGuimond
Expert teachers know how to CAUSE learning in the moment....not simply cover the material. #ATAagile @Agile_Schools