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1-4/18 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.6 be [reaffirmed.] amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education [to encourage media to adhere] to include for information the “Joint Position Statement by the Canadian Psychological Association and the Canadian Association of School Psychologists on the Canadian Press Coverage of the Province-Wide Achievement Test Results” [in reporting and interpreting] along with any public release of diploma examination results/school-awarded marks and achievement test results.”
1-22/18 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.46 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to ensure that every school in Alberta has a library/learning commons with qualified teacher-librarian(s) and clerical/technical support and the required additional funding to make this happen.”
1-23/18 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.49 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to develop student learning outcomes and resource materials within the Health and the Career and Life Management [curriculum] Programs of Studies to [educate students to prevent] address sexual exploitation, sexual assault, sexual harassment and consent.”
1-64/18 (Current Directive)
Edmonton Catholic Teachers
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 7.B.36 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to appropriately fund existing and new programs and services to better address the issue of sexual exploitation [of youth], sexual assault, sexual harassment and consent.”
2-1/18 (Current Directive)
Unité francophone
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards, notwithstanding special education classes and Hutterite schools, to restrict multigrade classes taught by a single teacher to include students from no more than two consecutive grades.
2-2/18 (Current Directive)
Unité francophone
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to ensure that distance and sparsity funding is targeted and sufficient to ensure that school authorities have capacity to eliminate the need for multigrade classes comprised of students from more than two consecutive grades.
2-3/18 (Administrative Directive)
Greater Peace
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association [will] work toward minimizing costs and the environmental impact of producing conference and meeting materials [by providing resources in an electronic format, with paper copies only when requested].
2-5/18 (Current Directive)
Greater Peace
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association [strongly] urge the Government of Alberta to [engage in clear, multilevel, consistent, transparent and timely communication with all stakeholders with regard to] communicate with schools in a timely manner regarding the medical needs, interventions employed and related information from departments such as Children’s Services, Health and Justice in order to effectively support at-risk students.
2-6/18 (Current Directive)
Aspen View
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to undertake, in conjunction with rural school authorities, other stakeholders and the Association, a review of [education] the funding [for rural school authorities with the objective of implementing funding arrangements that will ensure that smaller schools serving rural communities have the financial capacity to meet programming requirements for all students as well as the obligations imposed by collective agreements, including limits on instructional and assignable time for teachers] model for school boards, with an aim to create a more equitable funding model with a particular emphasis on ensuring rural schools are funded appropriately.
2-11/18 (Current Directive)
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to [release] make available more exemplars [for provincially mandated tests] of student responses to performance tasks that are a part of the current provincial testing programs.
2-12/18 (Administrative Directive)
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association move to an electronic mail system for courtesy copy recipients of mailouts.
2-15/18 (Current Directive)
Edmonton Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to [require] revise section 50.1(1) of the School Act so that all curricular outcomes related to human sexuality [be] are mandatory for students attending K–12 schools in Alberta, which receive public funds, with no provision for opting out.
2-18/18 (Current Directive)
Edmonton Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to require mandatory vaccinations, with no personal or religious exemptions, for all K–12 students attending schools in Alberta which receive public funds.
2-19/18 (Current Directive)
Edmonton Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to provide on-site, voluntary influenza vaccinations to all teachers, school staff and students, at no cost [to teachers or school boards].
2-22/18 (Current Directive)
Pembina Hills
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to [maintain and expand, with consultation,] consult with Alberta teachers on the maintenance and expansion of provincial [licences] licensing for common technological tools and/or platforms that support [teachers in delivering their education program] teaching and learning.
2-26/18 (Current Directive)
Edmonton Catholic Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association support the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action report’s recommendation to fully adopt and implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as the framework for reconciliation as it relates to education.
2-27/18 (Current Directive)
Edmonton Catholic Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association [request that all] urge school jurisdictions to ensure that [any] increases in funding due to increased enrolment [is reflected] results in a corresponding increase in teaching staff and to report to Association locals and the public on those increases.
2-29/18 (Current Directive)
Fort Vermilion
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to work with Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada to ensure that per-student funding for Indigenous students is at least equal to [(on par with)] per-student funding provided by the province and sufficient to meet the unique needs of Indigenous students and communities.
2-30/18 (Current Directive)
Fort Vermilion
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to [establish a] expand northern living/retention allowances [for] to teachers living north of the [57th] 55th parallel as provided to government employees under the Alberta Public Services Act.
2-31/18 (Current Directive)
Fort Vermilion
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to recognize the unique needs of rural and remote communities by providing increased supports to families living in poverty as well as ensuring sufficient wraparound services in schools to support students with complex needs.
2-34/18 (Current Directive)
Northern Spirit
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to properly fund school playground equipment for new school builds and existing facilities with inadequate equipment.
2-37/18 (Administrative Directive)
Northern Spirit
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association, during Annual Representative Assembly procedures, refrain from announcing the prevote when presenting resolutions to the
Assembly[, as it is prejudicial].
2-38/18 (Current Directive)
Northern Spirit
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association [partake in central table bargaining that ensures] bargain with the intent of ensuring that administrators, colony school teachers and distributed learning teachers have reasonable workdays.
2-39/18 (Current Directive)
Northern Spirit
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association [strongly] urge school authorities to refrain from hiring noncertificated classroom supervisors to replace absent certificated teachers to deliver [teacher-prepared instructional materials] instruction.
2-40/18 (Administrative Directive)
Calgary Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the [Alberta Teachers’ Association study best pedagogical practices, necessary structural supports for students, mental health supports and teacher education practices to meet the unique educational needs of students] Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to sponsor research, with a research plan and questions developed by the Association, to study teaching and learning in middle years [education as a distinct level of education and report with policy recommendations to the 2019 Annual Representative Assembly] with attention to
1. the importance of psychosocial development issues,
2. community and institutional
supports and
3. optimal conditions for teaching
and learning.
2-41/18 (Current Directive)
Calgary Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that current directive 5.B.17 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to cover fully the costs of all medically necessary therapies [for all students in Alberta schools].”
3-21/18 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 1.A.20 be amended to read—
“School programs should enable and encourage students to participate in a judicious balance of core and complementary courses to recognize the importance of education in the cognitive, social, emotional and physical domains.”
1.A.20 School programs should [recognize the importance of education in the psychological, physical and personal domains by enabling and encouraging student participation in a judicious balance of core and complementary courses] enable and encourage students to participate in a judicious balance of core and complementary courses to recognize the importance of education in the cognitive, social, emotional and physical domains.
3-25/18 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range
policy 1.A.24 be amended to read—
“Students must have [the opportunity to obtain accurate information and competent counselling in human sexuality and social health issues appropriate to their maturity and interest] access to accurate information and supports through certificated counsellors and/or health professionals who can provide education and advice on human sexuality and social health issues.”
3-79/18 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association provide funds to initiate a review in order to revisit the report of the Blue Ribbon Panel on Inclusive Education in Alberta Schools.
3-80/18 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association provide funds for an Association-sponsored [conference] education program for central office teachers.
3-82/18 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association provide funds to establish a committee to review Association and school authority policies that relate to violence in the workplace.
3-83/18 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association provide funds to increase the executive staff complement in the Member Services program area by one to assist in the increase in the discipline caseload.
3-84/18 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association provide funds to increase the executive staff complement in the Professional Development program area by one to provide essential support to teachers in the form of Association-developed and delivered materials, online resources, workshops, conventions, conferences and specialist council activities.
3-87/18 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to develop clear policies and procedures that permit students to change the name, gender and pronouns on all official school records to protect their privacy and reflect their lived
gender identity.
3-88/18 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to develop clear policies and procedures that permit teachers to change the name, gender and pronouns on all official employment records to protect their privacy and reflect their lived gender identity.
3-89/18 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge teacher education programs in Alberta universities to ensure that these programs formally and effectively address sexual and gender minority health, safety, and educational needs and concerns for teachers, students and families.
3-90/18 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to change provincial building codes to require all newly constructed public facilities, including schools, to provide universal, all-gender washrooms.
3-91/18 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to respect and protect the privacy and confidentiality of sexual and gender minority students and teachers from unwanted disclosure in all school activities, forms, records and processes.
3-92/18 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association affirm that the public interest and the teaching profession are best served through teacher professional self-governance provided by a unitary organization that has responsibility for upholding the highest standards of professionalism.
3-93/18 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association use all necessary means and resources to adamantly
oppose any effort to divide or diminish its membership or reduce the scope
of its objects, authority and activities.
3-94/18 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to extend and expand its commitment to funding Walking Together: Education for Reconciliation Professional Learning Project.
3-95/18 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to ensure that programs supporting certification and continuing professional development
in relation to the Leadership Quality Standard and the Superintendent
Quality Standard be available and accessible to all interested certificated teachers on an equitable basis.
3-96/18 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to require that, as a condition of their approval and recognition, programs supporting certification and continuing professional development in relation to the Leadership Quality Standard and the Superintendent Quality Standard be developed with the meaningful participation of the Association and provide opportunities for the Association to provide relevant resources and deliver content relating to the professional role and responsibilities of school and system leaders.
3-97/18 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to establish, fund and enforce district pupil/teacher ratio standards that are consistent with achieving Alberta’s Commission on Learning class size numbers and providing appropriate support for students with complex needs.
3-98/18 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to require school authorities to annually report [which board-] all mandated standardized assessment instruments [are] being administered to students and the number of administrations per student together with the total cost of and time allocated for their administration.
3-99/18 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to require school authorities to implement policies mandating the collection, in a standard form and fashion, of information relating to incidents of violence and harassment affecting [teachers] school staff and further require the submission of this information to the department for aggregation and reporting.
3-100/18 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Association budget for 2018/19 be amended to provide for a subsidy to delegates incurring child care expenses to attend Summer Conference at the rate of $125 per child upon submission of an attested claim.
3-101/18 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Association budget for 2018/19 be amended to provide for a grant-in-aid to be paid to Association locals for their off-campus delegates attending Summer Conference at a rate of 50 per cent of the grant-in-aid provided for on-campus delegates.
4-1/18 (Administrative Directive)
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association study and report to the 2019 Annual Representative Assembly on the need to include adult dependent care cost reimbursement.
Policy processes to be revised
The following resolutions approved by ARA prescribe new processes for updating Association policy as a result of a comprehensive policy review process.
3-74/18 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the following practices are to be observed with respect to a general review of Association policy:
1. An Annual Representative Assembly may authorize Provincial Executive Council to undertake a general review of some or all of the content, organization and structure of Association policy, including related administrative procedures and administrative guidelines.
2. A draft proposal for revised policy arising from a general review shall be approved by Provincial Executive Council at or before its September meeting in the year prior to the Annual Representative Assembly at which the proposal is to be considered and the approved draft proposal made available in print and/or digital format to members immediately thereafter.
3. Provincial Executive Council may establish processes to bring the draft proposal arising from the general review to the attention of members to create awareness and solicit responses from members.
4. Local associations may make representations concerning revisions to the approved draft proposal arising from the general review in the form of advice or as local resolutions submitted to the Executive Secretary on or before December 15 in the year prior to the Annual Representative Assembly at which the proposal is to be considered.
5. After reviewing the general advice received and resolutions submitted, Provincial Executive Council will approve a final policy proposal arising from the general review for consideration by the Annual Representative Assembly and make the final proposal available to members in print and/or digital format at least one month prior to the Annual Representative Assembly.
6. The approved final policy proposal together with Provincial Executive Council’s position on related local resolutions will be moved in one or more blocks at the option of Steering Committee, with individual policies in the proposal being subject to removal from the block for amendment by motion.
3-75/18 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that processes for the review of expiring current directives and long-range policy be suspended for 2018/19 to allow for the preparation and presentation of a revised body of policy to the 2019 Annual Representative Assembly.
3-76/18 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that standards for Association policy, including subject headings, policy types, standard definitions of terms, and statement of the purpose of policy, be developed and submitted for approval to the 2019
Annual Representative Assembly.
3-77/18 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that a schedule and process for the periodic review of policies be submitted for approval to the 2019 Annual Representative Assembly.
3-78/18 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that policies passed at an Annual Representative Assembly be referred to Resolutions Committee for reconciliation and integration with existing policy and that a report on the proposed disposition of the policies, including proposed amendments where appropriate, be submitted for approval to the Annual Representative Assembly the following year.