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Food and Photography

October 24, 2017

The face of photography student Tee Mwagura is superimposed with a nature scene taken near McNally High School in Edmonton. The image was created by fellow student Sawyer Whitson using the double exposure feature within a Canon 6D digital camera. The photo was an assignment for Mark Knoch’s Photography 20 class at McNally. (Photo: Sawyer Whitson)





For an assignment that’s simply called the FOOD project, Grade 9 students at Edmonton’s Vimy Ridge Academy spend a day researching professional food photography then bring in some food that they prepare and shoot in studio light boxes. They complete the project by cropping and editing their photos in Photoshop. (Photo credit from top to bottom: Haylie Dudar, Anna Dwyer, Myles McCulloch, Aiden Myschuk)


Teachers from Local 21 and staff from Elk Island Catholic School gathered and dropped off food at the Vegreville Food Bank in late September. Pictured are Local 21 president Rhonda Borowski and executive secretary Marc St. Jean. (Photo supplied)

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