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A new study is highlighting the struggles of Alberta’s off-campus co-ordinators, a group of teachers who facilitate work experience programs.
The study found that these teachers are struggling with increased workloads and reduced supports, as well as insufficient training and professional development.
“This study offers some important context to improve our understanding of current teaching and learning realities in this critically important sector,” said Alberta Teachers’ Association President Greg Jeffery.
“This newfound understanding will inform practice and policy in the years ahead.”
The Association initiated the study in the spring of 2016 based on growing concerns from the field suggesting that off-campus co-ordinators (OCCs) are finding it difficult to fulfill their responsibilities. Researchers invited 300 Alberta OCCs to complete a survey and received 113 responses.
Key findings
Survey responses suggest the following:
- OCC’s experiences vary widely — some work full time in the
- OCC role, while others work in the OCC fragment of a complex teaching assignment.
- OCCs need more time, flexibility and professional learning to increase their effectiveness.
- Off-campus education requires better definition and integration into secondary public education.
- OCCs believe in the value of off-campus education and advocate for its place in public education. ❚