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Association administrative guidelines provide for the attendance of observers at selected portions of Council meetings. Association members who are interested in observing selected portions of Council meetings at their own expense are advised to contact their district representative.
Highlights of the Provincial Executive Council meeting held Jan. 18–19, 2018, at Barnett House in Edmonton
- Approved the 2018/19 proposed budget for presentation to locals.
- Approved, for presentation to the 2018 Annual Representative Assembly (ARA), a resolution setting the annual fee payable by a full-time, active member at $1,266, effective Sept. 1, 2018.
- Approved, for presentation to the 2018 ARA, a resolution setting the annual fee payable by an associate member at $189.90, effective Sept. 1, 2018.
- Approved the name of one recipient of honorary membership in the Association, which is reserved for members and other persons who have given meritorious service to the teaching profession, to the Association or to the advancement of education.
- Approved the nomination of one individual for consideration of the Alberta Order of Excellence, which is the highest honour the province of Alberta can bestow on a citizen.
- Directed the president to write a letter to Education Minister David Eggen requesting an immediate meeting with the Association’s table officers.
- Named three members of Council to each of two staff selection committees: the first for the position of associate co-ordinator, Member Services—SARO and the second for the position of associate co-ordinator, Government—research.
- Received the report of a hearing committee, which found a teacher guilty of one charge of unprofessional conduct for making a statement to a social worker who attends meetings at the school several times per year if the social worker “felt like killing someone or if the social worker felt like killing a kid”, thus failing to maintain the dignity and honour of the profession. The hearing committee imposed a penalty of a letter of reprimand and a $200 fine payable within 30 days of the teacher’s receipt of the written notice. Should the teacher fail to pay the fine within the allotted period, the teacher will be suspended from membership in the Association until such time as the fine is paid in full.
- Approved recommendations on seven expiring current directives and approved the position of Council for each directive.
- Approved Council’s position on the resolutions arising from the decennial reviews of the Curriculum, Student Assessment and Evaluation long-range policy and the Educational Accountability long-range policy.
- Approved a resolution to amend an administrative procedure related to costs of attendance of local delegates or representatives at provincially called meetings.
- Approved resolutions for presentation at the 2018 ARA to facilitate a policy review process, including the development of a new body of policy for presentation at the 2019 ARA and the suspension of current policy review processes for 2018/19 to allow for the preparation of a revised body of policy.
- Approved, for submission to the 2018 ARA, reports on five resolutions by the 2017 ARA.
- Renamed economic policy committees to teacher welfare committees to more accurately reflect the nature of the work of the committees involving the economic, health, workplace and professional welfare of teachers.
- Amended administrative guidelines related to the honoraria provided to contributors to the ATA News and ATA Magazine, the allowable expenses for delegates during the ARA and the rules around representation at political party events.
- Authorized the attendance of up to three Council members at the Alberta Rural Education Symposium, scheduled for March 4 – 6, 2018, in Edmonton.
- Authorized the attendance of up to five Council members at the Emerging Technologies Research Colloquium and Public Lecture, scheduled for April 5–6, 2018, in Edmonton.
- Authorized the purchase of eight tickets for the Parkland Institute Gala Dinner and Silent Auction, scheduled for March 1, 2018, in Edmonton.
- Authorized that up to five members of the Association’s United Way Committee are eligible to attend the United Way Red Tie Gala, taking place on Feb. 22, 2018, in Edmonton.
- Approved the name of one teacher for addition to the Association instructor name bank.
- Approved dates of key Association-sponsored meetings and Council meetings for the 2018/19 school year.
- Named a field member to serve on the Edmonton Area Field Experiences Committee.