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Highlights of the Provincial Executive Council meeting held June 8–9, 2017, at Barnett House in Edmonton
- Approved an extension to the 120-day hearing time period, established under the Teaching Profession Act, for five outstanding cases of alleged unprofessional conduct.
- Declared in effect as of July 1, 2017, an addition and two amendments to the General Bylaws as contained in Electoral Ballots 1, 2 and 3 of 2016 as approved by the 2017 Annual Representative Assembly. The Electoral Ballots add a new section to the General Bylaws, which put in place election rules and a process to deal with allegations of non-compliance and amends the nomination and election dates to jibe with the campaign period around teachers’ conventions.
- Amended the Standard Constitution for Local Associations—With Local Council, the Standard Constitution for Local Associations—Without Local Council, the Standard Constitution for Sublocal Associations and all local constitutions to reflect the revisions to the standard constitutions to include clauses indicating that district representatives can attend and participate in all local association meetings, including in-camera meetings, and that district representatives must receive notice of such meetings.
- Approved 15 applications for the Diversity, Equity and Human Rights grant.
- Approved the names of three teachers for addition to the Association Instructors name bank.
- Approved the names of 12 teachers for addition to the Association Administrator Instructors name bank.
- Approved the name of one teacher for addition to the Economic Consultants name bank.
- Established a Committee on Convention Review, approved its terms of reference and appointed its members.
- Amended the Administrative Guidelines by removing an outdated parking procedure and added guidelines relating to attendance eligibility and registration fees for associate members and out-of-district delegates attending teachers’ conventions.
- Reviewed the final report of the Task Force on Services and Supports for Central Office Teachers and approved the following recommendations:
- Referred recommendations for local associations to local presidents for consideration.
- Referred to staff for study and report at the September Council meeting a recommendation to offer an Association-sponsored conference to central office teachers.
- Approved for inclusion in the 2018/19 program prognoses specialized professional learning supports and services for central office teachers.
- Referred to teachers’ convention associations for consideration the potential development of additional professional development sessions suitable for central office teachers at teachers’ conventions.
- Referred to staff for study and report at the September Council meeting a recommendation to consider development of sessions offered at uLead for school leaders and central office teachers.
Council disbanded the Task Force on Services and Supports for Central Office Teachers with thanks.
- Approved that the delivery of a school representative education program be included in the 2018/19 Program Prognoses.
- Approved field member committee and representation assignments for 2017/18. ❚