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On the following dates, a hearing committee of the Professional Conduct Committee established under the Teaching Profession Act found that the teachers listed below engaged in unprofessional conduct.
Nov. 28, 2016
Gerald Ernest Doak
The hearing committee ordered a penalty that included a subsequent declaration of ineligibility for membership in the Association if conditions were not met. On May 3, 2017, Doak was declared ineligible for membership.
March 15, 2017
Jamey Brian Kristian
The hearing committee declared Kristian permanently ineligible for membership in the Association effective March 15, 2017.
March 22, 2017
Steven McKerrall
The hearing committee declared McKerrall ineligible for membership in the Association effective March 22, 2017.
April 3, 2017
Karl-Wilfried Miller
The hearing committee declared Miller ineligible for membership in the Association for a period of two years, until April 3, 2019.
May 16, 2017
James Roy Scott
The hearing committee declared Scott ineligible for membership in the Association for a period of two years, until May 17, 2019.
June 12, 2017
David Wilson
The hearing committee declared Wilson permanently ineligible for membership in the Association effective June 12, 2017. ❚
Leave of absence
Teachers on leave of absence from their school board are still under contract to their board and are therefore active members of the Alberta Teachers’ Association. Bylaw 9 (2)(b) states that the annual fee for this category of active membership shall be $96. Members qualifying under this category should forward their cheques for the full amount to the Alberta Teachers’ Association, 11010 142 Street NW, Edmonton T5N 2R1.
Attention Membership Assistant—
Teachers who know of colleagues on leave of absence are asked to notify them of this bylaw.