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The ATA Library features books and videos for teachers on a variety of topics. We are happy to send you materials in the mail—return postage paid, at no cost to you. Daily updates about new items in the library can be viewed on our Facebook discussion page ( or by following us on Twitter (albertateachers).
English Books
Before and After: How to Design Cool Stuff
John McWade, 2009. Berkeley, Calif: Peachpit (686.22 M177)
McWade offers practical advice to make visual projects stand out. The book includes step-by-step examples for cropping photographs, designing presentations and more.
Dances with Dependency: Out of Poverty Through Self-Reliance
Calvin Helin, 2008. Woodland Hills, Calif: Ravencrest (362.57 H457)
Poverty and despair in First Nations communities has evolved from a “dependency mindset,” writes Helin. He argues that change must occur in government policies and that First Nations peoples must become self-reliant. This groundbreaking book received kudos from the Canadian government and First Nations peoples from North and South America.
Digital Culture
Charlie Gere, 2008. London, UK: Reaktion Books (303.4834 G367)
This book provides more than just a historical overview of our current fascination with everything digital. Gere covers societal trends and transitions that led to our digital culture, such as 19th-century capitalism and 20th-century warfare.
Finding the Right Texts: What Works for Beginning and Struggling Readers
Elfrieda H. Hiebert and Misty Sailors (eds.), 2009. New York: Guildford (372.41 F494)
Finding the Right Texts examines how selecting appropriate texts contributes to developing the literacy skills of beginning and struggling readers. The author provides practical suggestions for choosing ability-specific materials.
Fixing Sex: Intersex, Medical Authority, and Lived Experience
Katrina Karkazis, 2008. Durham, NC: Duke University Press (616.694 K18)
Karkazis discusses the controversies surrounding intersexuality (children born with dual or ambiguous sexual characteristics). The author, relying on interviews with adults who had corrective surgery as children, examines how early interventions and assignment of gender affect the lives of intersex people.
Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life
Albert-László Barabási, 2003. Cambridge, Mass: Perseus (006.71 B223)
Barabasi discusses everything from the six degrees of separation to the spread of diseases. He dives into the emerging field of the science of networking (how events, systems, people, biology and ideas interconnect) and discusses how it applies to our everyday lives.
Multiplicities of Internet Addiction: The Misrecognition of Leisure and Learning
Nicola F. Johnson, 2009. Surrey, UK: Ashgate (362.29 J68)
Johnson argues that the term Internet addiction is often used as a negative label for a positive and enthusiastic experience involving virtual worlds. She compares using the Internet with other daily activities and challenges the reader to question the negativity of reliance on and enthusiasm for new technologies.
Pedagogy, Religion, and Practice: Reflections on Ethics and Teaching
Alan A. Block, 2007. New York: Palgrave MacMillan (371.102 B651)
Block weaves together reflections on teaching with elements of religion, in particular Judaism. He argues that ethics should be a central part of curriculum and that quantitative standards are less important in the pursuit of real education.
The Power of Creativity: Results of the 50-Year Follow-Up to the Torrance Longitudinal Study of Creative Behavior
Garnet W. Millar, 2010. Bensenville, Ill: Scholastic Testing Service (153.35 M645)
In the 1950s, Paul Torrance investigated whether a test could predict creative behaviour. He tested elementary school students over a period of five years and conducted follow-up studies with his subjects in their adult years. Five years after Torrance’s death, Garnet Millar completed a fascinating and extraordinary 50-year follow-up of Torrance’s subjects.
Read Between the Lines: A Humorous Guide to Texting with Simplicity and Style
Shawn Marie Edgington, 2010. Dallas, Tex: Brown Books (004.692 E23)
This comprehensive guide discusses everything related to texting and tweeting.
Readicide: How Schools are Killing Reading and What You Can Do About It
Kelly Gallagher, 2009. Portland, Maine: Stenhouse (428.4 G162)
Readicide is defined as the systematic killing of the love of reading exacerbated by the mind-numbing practices found in schools. Gallagher explores the problem of engaging readers by examining four underlying issues: 1) too much reading, 2) too little reading, 3) overemphasis on testing and 4) non-authentic reading experiences.
Student-Powered Podcasting: Teaching for 21st-Century Literacy
Christopher Shamburg, 2009. Eugene, Ore: International Society for Technology in Education (371.3344678 S528)
With a nod to the changing face of literacy in the 21st century, Shamburg pairs practical and engaging projects with internationally recognized learning standards. This book will be valuable to teachers who want to integrate their lessons with student-appealing technology.
Teaching with Poverty in Mind: What Being Poor Does to Kids’ Brains and What Schools Can Do About It
Eric Jensen, 2009. Alexandria, Va: ASCD (371.826942)
Jensen examines how poverty affects brain development and learning in schools, and presents practical methods to support these students and build their resilience and self-esteem.
This Book Is Overdue! How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All
Marilyn Johnson, 2010. New York: HarperCollins (021.2 J68)
Johnson captures the image of today’s modern librarian. Throw out the old idea of a matronly woman shushing patrons and embrace the vision of a hip idealist who is knowledgeable about the newest digital tools and extols intellectual freedom and open access to information. Highly recommended by your ATA librarian!
Bully Girls: Taking a Stand (2006)
This 20-minute DVD, part of the Bullying Prevention series, explores the subtle and secretive world of girl bullying. The producers identify girl bullying techniques and tactics, and provide warning signs to look for. They suggest helpful intervention techniques for school officials.
Growing Up Online (2008)
This video, produced by PBS Frontline, explores the lives and perceptions of teens that have grown up in the digital age. Teens’ perceptions of privacy and personal space are discussed, as are issues of cyberbullying, instant Internet fame and online sexual predators.
The Healthy Teacher (2008)
The video follows two teachers who have balanced their lives in terms of work, stress management and physical health. Information about achieving optimal health is featured.
Making Sense of Aggression: A Four-Hour Video Course Equipping Adults to Effectively Address or Prevent Aggression Problems in Children and Youth (2010)
Gordon Neufeld explores the root causes of aggressive behaviour and explains why traditional discipline models are usually ineffective in changing negative behaviour. The material is derived from 40 years of experience in working with children with aggressive behaviour.
Media Literacy in the 21st-Century Classroom (2009)
In today’s digital age, students are vulnerable to the manipulations of corporate and political media in the fight for control of their minds. This program helps teachers develop lessons for students to become media savvy and identify biases, embedded social cues and other manipulations.
The Principal Story (2009)
This PBS documentary gives viewers the chance to observe how effective leadership in difficult public schools changes the lives of children.
Rene Bibaud’s Complete Fundamentals of Rope Jumping DVD: A Teaching Guide (2008)
This 110-minute video provides teachers with a breakdown of skills for rope jumping, including single-rope jumping, long-rope activities, group routines, double Dutch and fun games. Bibaud provides uncomplicated lesson plans and measurable outcomes.
Voices of Suicide: Learning from Those Who Lived (2008)
Three suicide survivors tell their stories of self-destructive behaviour, survival and recovery. The video includes interviews of psychologists.
Livres en français
120 jeux sportifs : pour les enfants de 5 à 12 ans
Micheline Nadeau, 2009 (372.86 N134)
Jouer pour s’amuser, pour le plaisir, pour l’amitié, pour apprendre, pour grandir et pour évoluer! Ce livre vous propose de nombreux jeux sportifs pour apprendre tout en étant actif.
Comment motiver les enfants à faire leurs devoirs : pour les parents, les enseignants et les intervenants
Louise St-Pierre, 2009 (371.30281 S149)
Dans ce livre qui s’adresse aussi bien aux parents, grands-parents, enseignants et éducateurs, l’auteure vous propose des idées ingénieuses et originales pour motiver les jeunes à faire leurs devoirs.
Les compétences à l’école : apprentissage et évaluation
Bernard Rey… [et al.], 2006 (371.39 C737)
Qu’est-ce qu’une compétence? Pourquoi les compétences? Quels en sont les avantages… et les difficultés? Comment faire apprendre des compétences à des élèves? Et, surtout, comment les évaluer? C’est à ces différentes questions que les auteurs apportent des éléments de réponse en s’appuyant sur des recherches qu’ils ont menées sur le terrain.
Comprendre et accompagner les enfants en difficulté scolaire
Jean-Marc Louis et Fabienne Ramond, 2009 (371.285 L888)
C’est l’ensemble de la problématique de la difficulté scolaire que ce livre aborde, offrant une synthèse des différents courants d’analyse et une lecture des démarches initiées et des dispositifs mis en place par l’école.
La formation à l’éthique et à la culture religieuse
Sous la direction de Jacques Cherblanc et Dany Rondeau, 2010 (379.28 F724)
Ce livre porte sur un certain nombre de défis associés à l’instauration d’un programme d’éthique et de culture religieuse dans toutes les écoles primaires et secondaires du Québec.
Du Web 2.0 au Web 3.0 : les nouveaux services Internet
Jean-Noël Anderruthy, 2009 (004.69 A543)
Le terme Web 2.0 désigne une multitude d'innovations d'ordre éditorial, technologique, sociologique qui, mises bout à bout, forment un ensemble, certes disparate, mais qui a changé, de manière radicale, notre rapport à l'informatique. Internet a donc quitté le statut de média en ligne pour celui de plate-forme d'échanges, de pratiques et de savoirs.
L’enseignement réciproque : quatre stratégies pour améliorer la compréhension en lecture
Lori D. Oczkus, 2010 (372.47 O21)
L’enseignement réciproque est une technique qui repose sur l’étayage et la modélisation par l’enseignant, sur la participation des élèves ainsi que sur quatre stratégies dont se sert tout bon lecteur pour comprendre un texte. Ces stratégies consistent à prédire, à questionner, à clarifier et à résumer.
Éveiller l’enfant à l’écrit : de la naissance à l’école
Giselle Boisvert et Jean Gagnon, 2005 (372.41 B685)
Dans Éveiller l’enfant à l’écrit, les auteurs soulignent l’importance de l’accompagner dans son éveil à l’écrit et démontrent à quel point toutes les situations vécues au quotidien sont autant d’occasions d’apprentissage de la lecture et de l’écriture.
Le livre documentaire au préscolaire et au primaire : explorer le livre jeunesse en classe
Charlotte Guérette… [et al.], 2007 (372.64 L788)
Les auteures proposent entre autres, plus de 40 activités de lecture en classe offrant des pistes d’exploitation et des conseils pour leur mise en œuvre, selon l’ordre d’enseignement ou le cycle visé.
La pédagogie coopérative : reflets de pratiques et approfondissements
Yviane Rouiller et Jim Howden, 2010 (371.36 R857)
L’ouvrage met en évidence l’aspect global, créatif et évolutif de la pédagogie coopérative en lien avec des bases théoriques et expérientielles solides, fondées elles-mêmes sur maintes recherches et valeurs clairement définies.
La saveur des savoirs : disciplines et plaisir d’apprendre
Jean-Pierre Astolfi, 2008 (370.154 A856)
L’auteur montre que, loin de devoir édulcorer les savoirs ou dissoudre les disciplines scolaires, l’école doit ouvrir chaque enfant à une vision experte du monde. Ainsi, en faisant découvrir la jouissance du comprendre, l’enseignant contribue tout autant à la construction des connaissances qu’à celle du sujet et de la socialité.