This is a legacy provincial website of the ATA. Visit our new website here.


March 5, 2012

For a complete listing of events, consult the conference calendar or contact Barnett House. Telephone: 780-447-9400 in Edmonton or 1-800-232-7208 from elsewhere in Alberta. This information is also posted on the Alberta Teachers’ Association website ( Prior to attending a conference or workshop, please contact the sponsoring organization to confirm dates, locale and contacts.

March 1–2
Greater Edmonton Teachers’ Convention, Shaw Conference Centre, 9797 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta. Theme: “Empower, Engage, Encourage.” Sponsors: The Provincial ATA and Greater Edmonton Teachers’ Convention Association. Website:

March 8–9
Central East Alberta Teachers’ Convention, Shaw Conference Centre, 9797 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta. Theme: “Powering Up.” Sponsors: The Provincial ATA and Central East Alberta Teachers’ Convention Association. Website:

March 8–9
Mighty Peace Teachers’ Convention, Grande Prairie Composite High School, 11202-104 Street, Grande Prairie, Alberta. Theme: “Transforming Education.” Sponsors: The Provincial ATA and Mighty Peace Teachers’ Convention Association. Website:

March 17–18
First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education Council Conference, Edmonton Marriot River Cree Resort, Enoch, Alberta. Theme: “Soaring with Knowledge.” Sponsors: The Provincial ATA and First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education Council. Contact: Caroline Russell, Conference Director. Telephone:
403-737-2846; e-mail:; website:

March 22–23
BANFF LEADERSHIP SEMINIAR, Banff Park Lodge, Banff, Alberta. Theme: “Leading Equitable and Inclusive Schools: Leadership Development for Action on Inclusion.” Sponsor: ATA Council on School Administration. The seminar will provide participants with practical strategies for creating and maintaining equitable and inclusive schools. This seminar is applicable to school administrators, teachers, inclusive learning coaches and division office personnel. Website:

April 13
Association Administrator Instructors, Barnett House, Edmonton, Alberta. Sponsor: The Provincial ATA. Contact: Mark Yurick, ATA Executive Staff Officer. Telephone: 780-447-9475; fax: 780-455-6481; e-mail: Contact: Debra Augustyn, ATA Program Assistant. Telephone: 780-447-9485; fax: 780-455-6481; e-mail:; website:

April 18
Legal Issues for School Administrators Seminar, Barnett House, Edmonton, Alberta. Sponsor: The Provincial ATA. Contact: Konni deGoeij, ATA Executive Staff Officer. Telephone: 780-447-9472; fax: 780-455-6481; e-mail: Contact: Leslie Kaun, ATA Administrative Officer. Telephone: 780-447-9410; fax: 780-455-6481; e-mail:

April 19–21
Career and Technology Studies Council, Marriott River Cree Resort, Enoch, Alberta. Theme: “Pathways to Brighter Futures.” Sponsors: The Provincial ATA and ATA Career and Technology Studies Council. Contact: Website:

April 27–28
Cognitive Coaching Foundations Series, Barnett House, Edmonton, Alberta. Sponsor: The Provincial ATA. This leadership development program provides participants with the knowledge and skills essential for a positive professional coaching relationship. Contact: Jacquie Skytt, ATA Assistant Executive Secretary. Telephone: 780-447-9412; e-mail:; website:

May 4–5
English Language Arts Council Conference, Capri Centre, Red Deer, Alberta. Theme: “For the Love of Learning.” Sponsors: The Provincial ATA and ATA English Language Arts Council. Contact: Geoff Parker, Conference Codirector. Telephone: 403-347-1171; e-mail: Contact: Carrie Mitchell, Conference Codirector. Telephone: 780-674-5333l;
e-mail:; website:

May 4–6
Health and Physical Education Council Conference, Augustana University College, Camrose, Alberta. Theme: “Connecting—All Trails Lead to Camrose.” Sponsors: The Provincial ATA and ATA Health and Physical Education Council. Contact: Shane Gau, Conference Director. E-mail:; website:

May 19–21
Annual Representative Assembly, Westin Hotel, Calgary, Alberta. Sponsor: The Provincial ATA. Contact: Dennis Theobald, ATA Associate Executive Secretary. Telephone: 780-447-9416; fax: 780-455-6481; e-mail: Contact: Karin Champion, ATA Administrative Officer. Telephone: 780-447-9435; fax: 780-455-6481; e-mail:; website:

May 25–26
Cognitive Coaching Foundations Series, Barnett House, Edmonton, Alberta. Sponsor: The Provincial ATA. This leadership development program provides participants with the knowledge and skills essential for a positive professional coaching relationship. Contact: Jacquie Skytt, ATA Assistant Executive Secretary. Telephone: 780-447-9412; e-mail:; website:

July 9–13
Educational Leadership Academy, Alberta. Sponsor: The Provincial ATA. Contact: Konni deGoeij, ATA Associate Coordinator, Member Services. Telephone: 780-447-9472; fax: 780-455-6481; e-mail: Contact: Leslie Kaun, ATA Administrative Officer. Telephone: 780-447-9410; fax: 780-455-6481; e-mail:

August 13–16
ATA Summer Conference, Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta. Sponsor: The Provincial ATA. Contact: Jacquie Skytt, ATA Assistant Executive Secretary. Telephone: 780-447-9412; fax: 780-455-6481; e-mail: Contact: Karin Champion, ATA Administrative Officer. Telephone: 780-447-9435; fax: 780-455-6481; e-mail:

August 15–16
Understanding Conflict for Administrators, Barnett House, Edmonton, Alberta. Sponsor: The Provincial ATA. Contact: Brian Andrais, ATA Coordinator, Member Services. Telephone: 780-447-9439; fax: 780-455-6481; e-mail:

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