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“Safe Spaces” is a joint initiative by the ATA and the Society for Safe and Caring Schools and Communities (SACSC). The “Safe Spaces” brochure features definitions, resources and information designed to help teachers create safe, caring and inclusive spaces for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-identified, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) students and their friends and families. When LGBTQ students do not feel safe at school they are less likely to learn. When LGBTQ students perceive their school as accepting, safe and welcoming, they report increased academic achievement, improved attendance, an enhanced work ethic, a feeling of empowerment and an increased sense of hope for their academic and personal future. “Safe Spaces” materials include a brochure, poster and sticker. The brochure (only) will be sent to schools. Other materials are available from the Society for Safe and Caring Schools and Communities or can be downloaded from the ATA website by clicking on Diversity, Equity and Human Rights (under Issues in Education) and Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.