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Appendix D: Teaching Profession Act Definition of Unprofessional Conduct

23(1) Any conduct of a member that, in the opinion of a hearing committee,

(a) is detrimental to the best interests of

(i) students as defined in the Education Act,
(ii) the public, or
(iii) the teaching profession,

(b) contravenes sections 16 to 65 or a by-law made under section 8(f) or (g), or

(c) harms or tends to harm the standing of teachers generally,

whether or not that conduct is disgraceful or dishonourable, may be found by a hearing committee to constitute unprofessional conduct.

(2) If a member has been convicted of an indictable offence,

(a) the conduct of the member on which the conviction is based is deemed to constitute unprofessional conduct, and

(b) the member shall forthwith inform the association of the conviction.

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