This is a legacy provincial website of the ATA. Visit our new website here.

Fostering Effective Relationships


Building Relationships to Motivate, Engage and Encourage Students

Positive and effective relationships between teachers and students are the foundation upon which good teaching and learning occurs “You can’t teach them if you can’t reach them.” What are some strategies that you can implement to develop strong and powerful relationships with your students? This session covers techniques that are easy to integrate into your everyday interactions with students: communicating positive expectations, giving feedback in a constructive way, developing pride, demonstrating caring and creating safe and happy environments for all to grow and thrive in!


Créons des créateurs—favoriser la pensée créatrice dans votre école

Le milieu de l’éducation a pris un virage marqué vers l’enquête et les occasions d’apprentissage pratique et exploratoire. La tendance aux espaces créateurs s’inscrit dans une volonté de faire vivre ces approches. Cet atelier fournit des renseignements d’ordre général au sujet des espaces créateurs et du mouvement créatif, tout en incitant les enseignants à s’impliquer en y ouvrant leur salle de classe.


Culturally Responsive Teaching

This workshop explores approaches for examining beliefs, attitudes, policies, structures and practices to enable schools to effectively work cross-culturally. Participants will begin to learn how to develop a greater capacity to engage in cultural self-assessment and become more conscious of the dynamics of intercultural interactions.


L’enseignement adapté aux différences culturelles  

Cet atelier explore le concept de la compétence culturelle grâce auquel vous apprendrez à reconnaitre croyances, attitudes, politiques, structures et pratiques d’enseignement qui permettent aux écoles interculturelles de bien fonctionner. Les participants développeront des capacités qui les amèneront à s’évaluer culturellement et à prendre davantage conscience des dynamiques inhérentes aux interactions interculturelles.


Generational Diversity in Schools—Building Empathy and Growing Together  
(1-1.5 hours)

Currently, schools across Alberta employ staff who fall within a wide range of ages, and the reality of four generations working together can create both synergies and clashes. This session is designed to help participants understand the different generations found on school staffs and to understand their own and others’ “generational views”; explore the challenges and triumphs of generations working together and develop strategies to address generational diversity in the areas of communication, collaboration, professional development and school culture.  


Let's Get Talking! Conversation Skills for Learning - NEW

Conversation is a powerful part of the learning process. However, it can be frustrating when students are reluctant to participate in discussions or when small group conversations go off-the-rails. Join this interactive workshop to explore strategies that help support student discussion skills (and learning) in any subject! Through discussions and activities, we will explore strategies that build a safe community for conversation, specific conversation skills to teach students of any age and stage, and activities that involve students in learning-focused conversations. 


Trauma-Informed Practice—Safe, Supportive and Self-Regulated Classrooms

Participants in this interactive workshop will receive information and tools to help provide safe, supportive and self-regulated environments for students who have experienced trauma. Teachers will be provided with background information on trauma and its effects on the child and adolescent brain, how to create trauma-informed environments and how to help build resiliency and self-regulation skills in students.


Working with Parents to Promote Student Success

This workshop addresses the question: “How can teachers nurture and sustain positive relationships with parents to reinforce their mutual goal—to ensure that all students are successful in school?” This session will focus on the many ways to build strong relationships with parents, undertake successful approaches for communication and involving parents, understand that varied parenting styles exist and learn strategies for reframing interactions with challenging parents.


Engaging in Career-Long Learning



AI Tools to Amplify Your Professionalism and Save Time – NEW 

Ready to revolutionize your teaching? Join our workshop on AI tools that go beyond traditional lesson planning. Explore how generative AI can create personalized content, assessments, and more. We’ll guide you through a process that balances efficiency with creativity, ensuring you remain the architect of exceptional learning experiences. Plus, let’s delve into professional considerations—because AI is not just about algorithms; it’s about impact.


Explorez comment l’intelligence artificielle générative peut vous assister dans l’amplification fraîche de votre contenu

Est-ce que vous cherchez de nouvelles façons d'impliquer vos élèves et d'inspirer leur apprentissage ? L'IA générative peut vous aider à réinventer votre enseignement et à lui donner un coup de fraîcheur. Dans cet atelier, vous apprendrez à utiliser des modèles d'IA générative pour créer du contenu original, innovant et surprenant pour vos activités en classe. Même si vous souhaitiez rédiger un plan de cours, un quiz, une histoire ou un jeu, l'IA générative peut vous aider à créer des contenus originaux, innovants et surprenants pour vos élèves. Vous apprendrez à rédiger des messages-guides qui incitent l'IA à générer des contenus créatifs, novateurs et amusants.  Préparez-vous à travailler, à partager et à explorer! Veuillez apporter un ordinateur ou un dispositif digital à cette session d'apprentissage.



Collaborating to Build Capacity and Expertise

This workshop focuses on preparing participants to lead and work in collaborative teams—the cornerstone of a professional learning community. A variety of collaborative processes will be presented and modeled.

Designing Effective Professional Development Sessions

This fun and active workshop looks at andragogy (a system of ideas, concepts and approaches to adult learning) and helps participants build capacity and confidence to develop learning that is engaging and memorable. By understanding how we, as adults, learn best we can better understand how learning experiences can be improved for our students. The strategies, concepts and techniques used will have immediate application for teachers in any learning environment.


Improving Teaching and Learning through Professional Growth Plans

This session will provide teachers with an opportunity to reflect on their understanding of provincial legislation, policy and other requirements related to teacher professional growth, promote awareness of the effective components of a professional growth plan, and share materials and tools that can be accessed to assist in the development of those plans. The session will also address the implications for teacher evaluation and permanent certification.


Optimiser l’enseignement et l’apprentissage grâce aux plans de croissance professionnelle

Cette session offre à chacun l’occasion de réfléchir aux cadres juridiques, à la politique, et aux autres exigences relatives à la croissance professionnelle des enseignants; de se familiariser avec les composantes essentielles et efficaces du plan de croissance; et de découvrir les documents d’appuis et les outils à la disposition des enseignants pour élaborer un plan de croissance professionnelle. Le processus d’évaluation des enseignants et les exigences pour l’obtention du brevet d’enseignement permanent seront également abordés pendant la session.


Outside the Box - Weaving Creativity into the Learning Process - NEW 

Are you looking for practical strategies that encourage students to learn through creativity? In this workshop, we will explore the neuroscience behind creativity and learning, versatile strategies that incorporate creativity into learning process, and the link between creativity and well-being. Be ready to experience strategies, connect with colleagues, and get creative!

Making the Most of a Teaching Life—How to be Well and Stay Well

This workshop will begin by addressing general themes relevant to teacher wellness, and will then focus on the most common mental health challenges affecting teachers: stress, anxiety and burnout. The session will include strategies to assist teachers in managing their emotional and psychological well-being in ways that allow them to be successful in educational settings. 


Profiter au maximum de sa vie d’enseignant : comment atteindre un bienêtre durable

Cet atelier abordera d’abord les grands thèmes liés au bienêtre des enseignants, pour ensuite traiter des défis les plus courants en matière de santé mentale auxquels doivent faire face les enseignants : le stress, l’anxiété et l’épuisement professionnel. La formation comprendra des stratégies pour aider les enseignants à gérer leur bienêtre émotionnel et psychologique de manière à favoriser leur réussite en milieu éducatif.

Staff Wellness—Don’t Just Survive—Thrive!

This workshop is designed to help teachers develop an appreciation for how important wellness is for individuals, families and school communities. Participants will have opportunities to reflect on their personal wellness journey and learn about a variety of strategies and resources to assist them. By building our personal capacity, we increase our ability to be of continued service to our students, our families and our society. As the saying goes, “You can’t serve from an empty cup.”

When Students Get in Trouble—Alternatives to Consider

When students misbehave, numerous people are impacted and involved. This workshop will look at the factors that may be behind the behaviour, choices school staff have when responding, and ways to restore relationships and provide restitution. Topics covered will also include the value of positive culture, conscious connection and accountability.


Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge



Evidence-Based Strategies for Deep Learning 

Cognitive Science has uncovered numerous practices that have been proven to help with deep and durable learning in any subject and for learners of every age. Participants will explore these practices as they implement new curricula into their classrooms to maximize learning and will leave with numerous specific strategies for implementing them in their classrooms. Practices included are: retrieval practice, spacing, interleaving, feedback-driven metacognition, elaborative interrogation, concrete examples and dual coding. 

Assessment and Evaluation—Supporting Student Learning

The purpose of this workshop is to explore the assessment indicators within the Alberta Teaching Quality Standard. While assessment has been a topic of professional learning for over two decades, the TQS indicators provide an opportunity for participants to deepen their understanding of the principles of sound assessment practice and to make practical application of those principles to their classroom/schools. 

Engaging All Students—Moving From Fact-Based To Concept-Based Learning Environments

This workshop will help participants build capacity in planning units, lessons and activities. Based on research and practice, the processes shared will show that approaching the design of instruction through concept-based learning and leveraging competencies helps create learning environments in which all students can achieve their greatest potential.


Environmental STEM Series 

*Note – organizers are not required to select all three sessions and may choose any one or a combination 


STEM Education to Save the World

STEM Education can save the world and bring hope and excitement to learning along with building vital skills and attitudes for students and staff. STEM involves students participating in cross-disciplinary activities in (S)cience, (T)echnology, (E)ngineering, and (M)ath along with potential connections to many other subjects. With the draft K-6 curriculum including computer science and environmental stewardship and sustainability across all grades, integrating STEM activities with an environmental focus can be a great approach to meeting many of these curricular outcomes. Participants will leave with a greater understanding of the value of STEM activities and will see examples of how schools can begin integrating a STEM approach in their schools. 


Growing Into STEM with Micro:bits

In this fun, hands-on session, participants will be introduced to the BBC Micro:bit $35 computing device as an extremely student-friendly (even in elementary), flexible, powerful, low-cost tool to focus around as schools build environmental STEM education in their schools. This easy-to-use (yet powerful) tool can be programmed through a modern web browser, and participants in this beginner session will experience success through multiple introductory programming activities. The ATA Library has Micro:bit kits and other supporting resources available to be signed out at no cost to ATA members. Participants in this hands-on session will require a computer or Chromebook.


Environmental STEM Projects with Micro:bits

This session builds on the previous “Growing Into STEM with Micro:bits” session. In this hands-on session, participants will explore multiple hands-on environmental STEM activities including controlling low-power LED lights, water conservation by building an automatic plant watering system, and programming robots/cars powered with alternative energy sources including electric vehicles. The environmental add-on kits to the Micro:bit are available for sign out through the ATA Library at no cost to ATA members. Participants in this hands-on session will require a computer or Chromebook.


Free Tools and Kits for Use with Students 

Imagine your classroom with challenges to solve, opportunities to create and students who are engaged. In this session, participants will have HANDS ON experience with a number of engaging kits to promote interactive learning. Throughout the session, you will have an opportunity to EXPLORE, CREATE and PLAY! Any member can sign out all demonstrated kits and books FREE from the ATA library. Participants should come armed with a mobile device to navigate the Association library and begin requesting materials before they leave the workshop. Every teacher is guaranteed a take-away!


La techno, j’en mange... et j’emprunte!

Au cours de cette séance, les participants pourront MANIPULER du matériel faisant partie d’une variété de trousses conçues pour promouvoir l’apprentissage interactif. Tout au long de la séance, vous aurez l’occasion d’EXPLORER, de CRÉER et de JOUER! Tout membre de l’ATA peut emprunter les trousses et livres présentés lors de la séance GRATUITEMENT auprès de la bibliothèque de l’ATA. Il est suggéré aux participants de se munir d’un appareil mobile afin de pouvoir naviguer dans le site de la bibliothèque de l’ATA et commencer à réserver des ressources avant même de quitter l’atelier! 


Let's Talk Text! Choosing and Using Great Resources (K-6) NEW

Looking for fresh resources for your K-6 students? In this workshop, you will explore digital and print resources curated by teacher-librarians from the Alberta School Learning Commons (ASLC) specialist council – these resources are applicable to a variety of subject-areas and K-6 grade levels. Through activities and discussions, you will work with these resources to explore best practices for choosing and using resources for your classroom, including factors related to social, community, and academic fit.


Making Learning Meaningful: Hands-on Activities to Spark Creativity, Ignite Conversations and Promote Problem Solving - NEW 

Join us for this engaging session as we delve into the world of meaningful, hands-on activities that will spark creativity, ignite conversations, and promote problem-solving skills. Be prepared to embark on a cross-curricular journey of discovery, armed with a wide array of practical resources and innovative ideas. Participants are guaranteed to leave the workshop with a collection of carefully curated activities and lessons that you can seamlessly integrate into your classroom, starting as early as Monday morning.


The Power of Play—Engaging Learners of All Ages

Play fosters creativity, independence, problem solving and ownership in learning. This workshop will provide you with ways to successfully incorporate play into any class and give you ideas to use in your next lesson.


Establishing Inclusive Learning Environments


Addressing Diverse Learning Needs in Classrooms

While many classrooms have effectively integrated students with learning disabilities, teachers and educational assistants still strive to improve the learning environments and programming for these students. This workshop will provide the staff with an opportunity to become more knowledgeable about how to identify, plan for and respond to students with mild/moderate learning disabilities. 


Building Compassion Resilience: Series   

Compassion resilience is “the ability to maintain physical, emotional and mental well-being while responding compassionately”, and the best way to build this resilience is to develop excellent self-care strategies. This interactive workshop can be facilitated over a series of sessions. Throughout the sessions, participants are given strategies and ideas to use in developing their own personalized professional self-care plan. 

Topics include: 
Understanding self-compassion
Dimensions of wellness
Power of positivity
Managing emotions
Self-critic to self-confident
Positive pathways (journaling, gratitude, kindness and play)
Empathy and intentional listening 
Community building
Trust and boundaries


Care and Connect—Social and Emotional Learning: Series   

Now, more than ever, there is a need to look at practices and systems that nurture the social and emotional health of all members of the school community. This workshop was developed to enhance the social-emotional skills of adults within a school environment so that they can more effectively model and teach SEL to their students. This interactive workshop can be facilitated over a series of sessions in which participants will learn and apply practical, powerful strategies to enhance social and emotional competence within themselves and their students.


 La puissance des liens et de la bienveillance : outils et pratiques d'apprentissage socioémotionnel

Maintenant, plus que jamais, il y a un besoin d’examiner les pratiques et les systèmes qui favorisent la santé sociale et émotionnelle de tous les membres de la communauté scolaire. Cet atelier a été conçu dans l’objectif de rehausser les compétences socioémotionnelles des adultes du milieu scolaire et leur efficacité en ce qui a trait à l’enseignement des compétences socioémotionnelles à leurs élèves et à leur capacité de servir de modèles à cet égard. Il s’agit d’un atelier interactif pouvant être réparti en plusieurs séances au cours desquelles les participants apprendront et mettront en pratique des stratégies tout aussi pratiques que puissantes pour renforcer leurs compétences sociales et émotionnelles et celles de leurs élèves.

Classroom Management—Beyond the Basics

With basic classroom management strategies already in their toolkit, participants in this workshop will look at building upon those skills. This workshop will support teachers in responding to classroom behaviours that disrupt teaching with the goal of keeping learning on track and positive relationships intact.

Classroom Management—What Works?

This workshop was developed with beginning and novice teachers in mind. Participants will review what classroom management is and why it is important, starting with the impact of positive and authentic relationships. From there, participants will move into looking at rules, routines, procedures and strategies. The goal is to help participants create classrooms in which both the students and the teachers can be successful.

Gestion de classe—ce qui fonctionne

Cet atelier a été conçu pour les enseignants débutants ou nouveaux dans la profession. Les participants revisiteront le thème de la gestion de classe et son importance, à commencer par l’importance de privilégier des relations positives et authentiques avec les élèves. De là, ils examineront les règles, routines, procédures et stratégies liées à la gestion de classe. L’objectif de cet atelier est d’aider les participants à créer des salles de classe dans lesquelles le travail des élèves et des enseignants pourra porter ses fruits.

Let’s Talk About Identity, Power and Privilege

Understanding race, racism, privilege and oppression requires concerted effort toward uncovering the daily hierarchies and power structures that surround our complex identities. For educators, promoting social justice is central to our daily work with students. Addressing specific issues such as privilege is difficult and uncomfortable for most people, for a variety of reasons. This workshop will help teachers explore these issues and provide them with ideas for student exercises and activities.

Mental Health 101

Similar to first aid training, this workshop will give teachers the basic information they need to identify and help students who may be experiencing mental health issues. Lessons learned in this workshop are not confined to the classroom however, and the skills acquired will also help teachers understand the feelings their colleagues, and even themselves, may be experiencing at times. Participants will leave with practical strategies and interventions to promote positive mental health.

Santé mentale 101

Semblable à la formation en secourisme, cet atelier fournit aux enseignants les renseignements de base dont ils ont besoin pour identifier et aider les élèves qui pourraient éprouver des problèmes de santé mentale. Les leçons apprises dans cet atelier ne sont toutefois pas limitées à la salle de classe. En effet, les compétences acquises aideront aussi les enseignants à comprendre les émotions et sentiments que leurs collègues ou eux-mêmes peuvent éprouver parfois. Et les diverses stratégies et interventions pratiques présentées leur permettront de quitter l’atelier mieux armés pour promouvoir une bonne santé mentale.

Recognizing and Addressing Anxiety in Schools

School staff are increasingly challenged to support individuals with all levels of anxiety and related behaviours. This workshop will provide information about the most common anxiety disorders, examine how these disorders impact people, and provide participants with strategies to help support those affected cope and manage.


Regulation and Resilience: Supporting Students with Challenging Behaviour - NEW 

Join us for an interactive and empowering workshop that explores strategies for supporting students through challenging behaviours. This session focuses on approaches that cultivate student resilience, as well as strategies to support our own resilience as we respond to challenging moments of student behaviour. Through activities, discussion, and reflection, we will explore a variety of techniques that support students with challenging behaviour and care for our own wellbeing, at once.


Supporting Gender and Relationship Diversity in School Communities - NEW 

Now, more than ever, there is a need to enhance school community supports for people who identify as gender and/or relationship-diverse. In this workshop, participants will examine how purposeful language choices, understanding identity and privilege, and implementing specific support strategies can help to create a supportive, inclusive environment. As well, participants will discuss practices for authentic allyship in school communities. This workshop is designed to replace the PRISM – Professionals Respecting Individual Sexual and Gender Minorities workshop.


Take a LEAP: Unlearning Racial Bias - NEW 

Join this session to explore the complex dynamics between unconscious beliefs, bias, and the impact these factors have on educational environments. Focused on building a deeper understanding of how these factors can perpetuate stereotypes and hinder student growth, this session includes discussions and practical exercises that will challenge assumptions that perpetuate labels and stereotypes. By embracing a ‘LEAP’ approach—actively listening, engaging, asking questions, and providing support we will work together to enhance our own understanding of diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism.


Winning Strategies for Classrooms

Alberta schools are founded on the concept that all students can learn, regardless of their abilities. When teachers plan for and use effective learning strategies designed to help struggling learners, they also support many other students. This workshop will provide teachers with tools and strategies that can be used at any grade level with all types of students. Engaging, interesting and active, this session will give participants ideas to incorporate into lessons immediately for positive results.


Enseigner en milieu minoritaire : l'importance de transmettre l'amour de la langue

Comment valoriser la langue et la culture francophone dans nos milieux ? Venez découvrir comment et pourquoi il est important de développer la culture identitaire francophone chez nos élèves. L'identité francophone, le bilinguisme additif, la légitimité linguistique seront aussi abordés. Cet atelier vous aidera à avoir des pratiques gagnantes pour la construction identitaire.


Developing and Applying Foundational Knowledge about First Nations, Métis and Inuit

Indigenous Education and Walking Together: Education for Reconciliation

For a list of these courses and descriptions please click here.


Leading a Learning Community


Developing Our Shared Mission and Vision

Strategic planning is a key element in building a shared commitment to school improvement and developing the staff team. This workshop is designed to facilitate the development of a school’s shared mission, vision and values and will be customized to align with the school context. Participants will work through a series of collaborative activities and processes to modify an existing statement or develop new mission and vision statements. Using consensus-building activities, this workshop will encourage dialogue and collaboration among members of staff, resulting in a shared commitment to school improvement.

Instructional Leadership to Optimize Student Learning and Staff Development

Research tells us that the role of the principal as instructional leader is an extremely important one in today’s schools. In this workshop, participants will look at ways to build staff capacity, cultivate a positive school culture and environment, foster strong relationships, and support evidence-informed teaching practices.


Tend the Garden – Starting and Sustaining Change in Schools - NEW 

Do you have a project, program, or initiative you'd like to get started? Join this session to explore the science behind what makes short- and long-term programs, projects and initiatives successful. This discussion-focused session will lead you through the process for planning, implementing and sustaining a successful program over time. Participants are encouraged, but not required, to bring ideas for programming, projects, and initiatives they would like to implement in their own context.


Support for Administrators of French Immersion Programs 

Administrators new to the French immersion program and administrators who want to remain current in recent French immersion program development, literature, student exchanges and teacher professional development opportunities are welcome to attend this interactive workshop. In addition to the above, we will identify issues and promising practices suggested in the revised Alberta Education resource Handbook for French Immersion Administrators. 


Le leadeur fait en sorte que chaque élève ait accès à un enseignement de qualité et puisse vivre des expériences d’apprentissage optimales (NQLS Compétence No 6)

Apporter le soutien nécessaire aux enseignants en début de carrière 

Cet atelier aidera les directions d’école à comprendre les besoins uniques des enseignants débutants et le rôle décisif que joue la communauté scolaire pour faciliter leur insertion professionnelle. Deux thèmes majeurs seront abordés : les recherches menées sur les tendances démographiques actuelles dans l’enseignement, et les stratégies pratiques gagnantes pouvant être mises en œuvre par les enseignants débutants.