This is a legacy provincial website of the ATA. Visit our new website here.



Strengthening the Heartbeat of Reconciliation

This resource includes entry points to acknowledge the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and beyond for the K-12 classroom. Sample activities, resources, and key considerations are included.

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Honouring the Voices of Indigenous Teachers and School Leaders in Alberta School Communities

In 2021, the Alberta Teachers’ Association, in coordination with Dwayne Donald, a researcher from the University of Alberta, conducted an evaluation of the experience of Indigenous teachers, school leaders and central office leaders within Alberta’s public education system. The Association’s research activity was gathered through listening and learning from Indigenous teachers, school leaders and central office leaders through a survey and online focus group conversations. The results of these evaluation activities are outlined in the Honouring the Voices of Indigenous Teachers and School Leaders in Alberta School Communities, 2022.

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Truth & Reconciliation Books for the Classroom

Literature recommendations for Kindergarten to Grade 12 (and beyond) from the Indigenous Education Council, English Language Arts Council and the Indigenous Education PD Facilitators of the Alberta Teachers’ Association.

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Stepping Stones Series

Each of the Stepping Stones resources provide introductory information on a variety of topics, including additional questions for consideration and further resources to support continued learning.  The resources should be contextualized in collaboration with Elders, Knowledge Keepers and Cultural Advisors to ensure that the information is relevant and accurate to your local area.

Terminology Reference
(PD-WT-16a 2018 03, 4pp) - Download a Copy 

Remarque sur la Terminologie (Terminology Reference)
(PD-WT-16aF 2018 04, 4pp) - Download a Copy 
Alberta Métis Settlements and Agreements
(PD-WT-16b 2018 03, 4pp) - Download a Copy 

Établissements Métis et accords concernant les Métis de l’Alberta
(PD-WT-16bF 2018 04, 4pp) - Download a Copy 
An Introduction to the Inuit
(PD-WT-16c 2018 03, 4pp) - Download a Copy 

Les Inuits : Une introduction
(PD-WT-16cF, 2018 04, 4pp) - Download a Copy 
Numbered Treaties Within Alberta: Treaty 6
(PD-WT-16d 2018 03, 4pp) - Download a Copy 

Traités Numérotéen Alberta : Le Traité N° 6 (Treaty 6)
(PD-WT-16dF 2018 04, 4pp) - Download a Copy  
Forced Relocation of Indigenous Peoples in Canada
(PD-WT-16e 2020 11, 4pp) - Download a Copy 

Réinstallation forcée de peuples autochtones au Canada
(PD-WT-16eF, 2021 06 4pp) Download a Copy 

Numbered Treaties Within Alberta: Treaty 7
(PD-WT-16f 2018 04, 4pp) - Download a Copy 

Traités Numérotéen Alberta : Le Traité N° 7 (Treaty 7)
(PD-WT-16fF 2018 04, 4pp) - Download a Copy  
Elder Protocol
(PD-WT-16g 2017 07, 4pp) - Download a Copy 

Protocole relatif aux Ainés
(PD-WT-16gF 2018 04, 4pp) - Download a Copy 
  Numbered Treaties Within Alberta: Treaty 8
(PD-WT-16h 2018 03, 4pp) - Download a Copy 

Traités Numérotéen Alberta : Le Traité N° 8
(PD-WT-16hF 2018 04, 4pp) - Download a Copy 
First Nations Traditional Plants and Uses
(PD-WT-16i 2019 01, 4pp) - Download a Copy 

Plantes traditionnelles des Premières Nations et leurs usages
(PD-WT-16iF 2019 04,4pp) - Download a Copy 
First Nations, Métis and Inuit Music and Dance
(PD-WT-16j 2019 05, 4pp) - Download a Copy 

Musique et danses des Premières Nations, des Métis et des Inuits
(PD-WT-16jF 2019 10, 4pp) - Download a copy 
Indigenous Education Resources
(PD-WT-16k 2019 01, 4pp) - Download a Copy 

Ressources pour l’éducation autochtone
(PD-WT-16kF 2019 04,4pp)  - Download a Copy 
Indigenous Linguistic Diversity and Revitalization
(PD-WT-16l 2018 12, 4pp) - Download a Copy 

Diversité et revitalisation des langues autochtones
(PD-WT-16lF 2019 06, 4pp) - Download a Copy 
Residential SchoolsFirst Nations Experience
(PD-WT-16m 2018 12, 4pp) - Download a Copy 

Pensionnats—l’expérience des Premières Nations
(PD-WT-16mF 2019 07, 4pp) - Download a Copy 
Residential SchoolsMétis Experience
(PD-WT-16n 2019 06, 4pp) - Download a Copy 

Pensionnats—l’expérience des Métis
(PD-WT-16nF 2019 11, 4pp) - Download a Copy 
Residential SchoolsInuit Experience
(PD-WT-16o 2019 07, 4pp) - Download a Copy 

Pensionnats—l’expérience des Inuits
(PD-WT-16oF 2020 01, 4pp) Download a Copy 
Métis Nation of Alberta
(PD-WT-16p 2020 10 07, 4pp) - Download a Copy 

Nation Métisse de l'Alberta
(PD-WT-16pF 2020 10 30, 4pp) - Download a Copy 
Concepts and Policies of Assimilation
(PD-WT-16q 2020 10 09, 4pp) -Download a Copy 

Assimilation : concepts et politiques
(PD-WT-16qF 2021 03 15, 4pp) -Download a Copy  
  The Sixties Scoop
(PD-WT-16r 2020 02, 4pp) - Download a Copy 

 Rafle des années 1960
(PD-WT-16rF 2020 04, 4pp) - Download a Copy 


ATA Library

Materials to Borrow:  Browse our list of First Nations, Metis and Inuit resources available to borrow through the ATA Library.

Library Guide: Explore the ATA Library's collection of web guides relating to Indigenous peoples and Indigenous Education.


Additional Resources

Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada Resource – available to borrow from the Association (no cost)

“This resource will assist you and your students in understanding the past, present and future of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. There is a wealth of information and diversity of stories and voices on this map; however, we recognize that no resource will ever be able to encompass all Indigenous voices and stories. The Royal Canadian Geographical Society (RCGS) also recognizes that the stories told here are not ours to tell.”

The kit includes:

  • Teacher's guide
  • Hard copies of all learning activities (available for download here)
  • Gym size floor map, 10.7m (35.1') x 7.9m (25.92')
  • Booking period three weeks (no cost)

Bookings for the 2023/2024 year are now closed. 

Send booking inquiries or request additional information via e-mail to