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Race is on to fill ATA's top spot—and 17 more

December 6, 2016

The Alberta Teachers’ Association is inviting nominations from eligible ATA members for the post of ATA president and 17 other positions on its Provincial Executive Council (PEC). Made December 1, the call for nominations officially launched the 2017 PEC Election.

What positions are open?

• ATA president (one to be elected)
• ATA vice president (two to be elected)
• District representative (15 to be elected)

Who is eligible to run?

To be eligible to run in the 2017 PEC Election you must not be in receipt of an Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund pension and you must either

• be an active member in good standing and employed by at least one school jurisdiction in the geographic district in which you are running,
• be an associate member in good standing and be employed by a school jurisdiction in the geographic district in which you are running, or
• be an associate member in good standing, employed by an employer without a local and reside in the geographic district in which you are running.

Active members are teachers employed by Alberta schools boards – with the exception of those designated as associate members by their board with the approval of the Association (eg, superintendents). Associate members are those who have had associate membership granted to them by the Association upon application and payment of applicable fees.


Where You Can Run and Vote

ATA members from anywhere in the province can run for the positions of ATA president and vice president. For district representative positions, where you can run and vote differs. To find out where you can run and vote, click here.



The Association enters into agreements with school boards to ensure members elected to PEC have the release time needed to serve on Council and conduct their required functions. For the position of president, this means fulltime release; for vice president and district representative positions, it is a maximum of 100 days.

In addition to release time, PEC members are provided honoraria and expense coverage related to Council meetings and other related duties and activities.

Nomination information and forms

Posted on the ATA website is the complete call-for-nominations package, which contains essential election information, schedules and forms. Hard copies of the package have been sent, for the purposes of reference and sharing, to all ATA local secretaries and to ATA school representatives at every school in the province.

Nomination deadline

The deadline for nominations is January 18 at 5 p.m.


Voting will be conducted March 13–20 online and require voters to have an online ATA account.

Terms of office

Candidates successful in this election will serve from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2019.

Contacts for 2017 PEC Election

Direct your questions regarding the 2017 PEC Election to either of the following election team members:

Marvin Hackman
ATA Elections Returning Officer

Laura Harris
ATA Elections Administrative Officer

Keep in touch and we’ll keep you posted

For up-to-date election information, read the ATA News, visit the ATA website ( and follow your Association on Facebook (@ABteachers) or Twitter (@albertateachers).

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