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Pitfalls and Precautions is a series that aims to educate teachers on professional conduct issues by highlighting situations addressed by the ATA Professional Conduct Committee.
In a recent decision of the hearing committee of the professional conduct committee, a member was found guilty of unprofessional conduct for touching players and displaying poor physical boundaries during practice for school sports. While coaching is a very detail-orientated activity, teacher–coaches must always be mindful when directing players or teaching them how to position themselves. Physical boundaries should always be respected when working with young student athletes so they feel comfortable in practice and game situations.
By positioning parts of their body against a student to show proper positioning technique, the teacher–coach made the student(s) feel uncomfortable. Further, the power imbalance that existed between the teacher and students made it difficult for them to raise concerns with their coach. To make matters even worse, this same teacher–coach was also critical of the players, using condescending remarks in an attempt to motivate them to play better.
In both instances, the teacher–coach failed to maintain section four of the Code of Professional Conduct in that they did not treat the pupils (students) with dignity and respect and be considerate of their circumstances. As a result of their actions, the teacher was found guilty on multiple charges and was required to pay a substantial fine.
Teachers who are in a supervisory role over community coaches in the school also have an obligation to protect their students and remind their community coaches of what is appropriate behaviour. While also acting in a volunteer capacity, community coaches are not governed by the code and, thus, it is important for teacher supervisors to be diligent and aware of what is happening during practices. Parents across the province entrust their children to coaches, and it is up to those coaches to make each student athlete feel safe, dignified and respected. ❚