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Remember that you’re making a difference


October 12, 2021



Often when people ask me how’s it going, I give my standard “It’s fine.” If you have ever spent time with me, you’ll come to know that when I say things are fine, it can mean 100 things, from everything really is fine to I won’t talk about what I know or feel for a variety of reasons. 

That being said, I’ll admit that, for me, these last few weeks have not been so fine. And I know from my conversations with teachers and members of Council that I am not alone. These last few weeks have been relentless and a bit of struggle — long days compounded by sleepless nights. Like many of you, I am carrying a lot stress and frustration over the handling of the pandemic in our province and our schools. 

But I want to focus on something a bit more positive. Earlier this month, I attended portions of the ATA’s Women in Leadership Committee. The chair of the committee, Nancy Ball, started the meeting with a TEDx Talk by Jaz Ampaw-Farr titled “The Power of Everyday Heroes.” The description from TEDx says, “Jaz is passionate about the difference teachers make. Through celebration and provocation, she uses the transformative power of her own story to inspire the ordinary heroes of education — teachers.” 

As Ampaw-Farr shared her story of how teachers helped her become the successful person she is today, I was struck by her words and emotion. As teachers we sometimes lose sight of the positive impact we have on our students. This short video reminds us of the importance of our work, especially during stressful times. 

I was further reminded of our positive impact later in the week when I received an email from a former student, now the father of three, all of whom attend public school (which I will admit made me feel a bit old). He thanked me and the Association for the principled stance we have taken throughout the pandemic. He stated that he saw our hard work and that he was grateful we were looking out for his children. This email came when I needed it most. 

It was a reminder of why I deeply admire and respect the work of teachers and administrators. In case it hasn’t been said enough, I’m grateful for your passion and for the difference you make, day in and day out. Your dedication inspires me, especially on those days when things don’t feel so fine. ❚

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