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Central bargaining results in mediator’s recommendations

Months of bargaining at the central table have resulted in recommendations from a mediator that teachers now have a chance to review, debate and vote on.

March 19, 2019

The mediator assigned to assist the Alberta Teachers’ Association and the Teachers’ Employer Bargaining Association (TEBA) has written a report recommending terms of settlement in order to resolve central table bargaining.

Available at, the report outlines the items already agreed to by the parties in negotiations and the mediator’s recommendations for how to resolve outstanding issues. If approved, the changes would be made to each of the 61 collective agreements that exist between the Alberta Teachers’ Association and each public, separate and francophone school jurisdiction.

Ratification vote to take place online

The recommended terms are subject to ratification by a vote of all teachers covered by the affected collective agreements and TEBA’s school board representatives. For teachers, online voting for ratification will be held from April 4 at 8 a.m. until April 7 at 5 p.m.

Teachers will need to be familiar with the mediator’s report and its implications in order to cast an informed vote. To provide members an opportunity to learn about the recommendations first-hand, the Association is hosting a series of Member Information Meetings around the province.

Details online

Visit for details on the recommendations and next steps. The following resources are available:


Member Information Meetings

Teachers are strongly encouraged to attend one of the Member Information Meetings (MIMs) near them to hear more about the mediator’s report, to ask questions and to discuss and debate the recommendations. Members are welcome to attend any MIM they would like, but local area MIMs will provide the best information about how the central agreement will affect your individual collective agreement.

The MIM schedule is as follows. Details are still being confirmed and the schedule is subject to change, so please check for the latest information.



 March 19

 Slave Lake

 March 20

 Edmonton (Nisku)
 Peace River
 St. Paul

 March 21

 Grande Paririe

 March 25

 Medicine Hat

March 26 

 Iron River

 March 27

Pincher Creek

 March 28

Fort McMurray
 High Level

 April 1

 Drayton Valley
 Francophone webcast

 April 2

 Red Deer

Online ratification vote

April 4 to April 7


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