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Whatcha goin’ to do?

August 29, 2017
Many teachers say that setting up their classroom is a priority as summer is coming to a close.

We took to social media to ask teachers: As back-to-school nears, what item do you most want to cross off your to-do list?


Getting my daughter off to university for the first time, and ready to go at school within a week.

- Natalie Cole-Lamothe

Lifting cases of paper to the computer lab, checking the ink/toner levels, then printing out the name tags of all the room changes this year.

- Brian Skinner

Getting my family all organized for their new school year so I can turn my attention to my new students.

- Nicole Laderoute

Unpacking classroom materials that had to be packed at the end of June.

- Nedra Dreyer

Setting up my new room after two years of working off carts!

- Wendy Mulligan

Getting the bulletin boards up! So tedious.

- Patricia Dianne

Updating course outlines.

- Amy Jesse

Organizing my classroom library.

- Shannon Rae Dube

Getting my room back in order after the summer cleaning!

- Heide Doppmeier

Toss up between bulletin boards and long-range plans.

- Lori Szmul

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